Power Metering Smart Plug


Power Monitoring Smart Plug for the Kettle Companion

8 in stock


NOTE: If you need more than 1 unit in your order please contact us directly so we can organise this with you. Shipping will remain the same for up to 4 units.

This is the UK power metering Smart Plug we use for the Kettle Companion but with a standard build of Tasmota installed and ready to run for your projects!.

  • Model Number UP111
  • Rated Voltage 230V
  • Rated Current 16A (Max)
  • Working Temp ~20-45C
  • Wifi Frequency 2.4GHz
  • AC Frequency 50-60Hz
  • Tasmota version 12.x
  • Supports MQTT / HTTP API / Console

For more details on Tasmota see here


When the plug is first powered up it won’t be able to connect to your WiFi network so will go into “AP” mode and you will be able to connect to a WiFi SSID name beginning with tasmota followed by a unique ID e.g. tasmota-C687D9-2009.

You can then enter the SSID name and password for the WiFi network you want the device to connect to as in the images here.

Having connected you will need to go to your WiFi access point to find out the IP address it has given to the Tasmota Smart Plug.

Use a browser to browse to that IP address e.g. (yours will be different)

You’ll see it is configured as a UP111 smart plug and monitoring Voltage/Current and so forth. You can also toggle the power, view information and reconfigure


If you reset the SmartPlug to its defaults you will lose the UP111 configuration and be unable to monitor or control the power.

To set this up again either (a) browse to Configuration->Template and enter the details as follows

Or (b) browse to Configuration->Other and enter this string and check activate

{"NAME":"2NICE UP111","GPIO":[0,576,0,32,2720,2656,0,0,2624,320,224,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}

Also with the default configuration the plug will keep trying to connect to the configured WiFi access point.

You may want to go to Console page and change the configuration so it tries to connect, then enters AP mode for 3 mins, then cycles. You can do this by typing

WiFiConfig 2
Emergency Reset

If you need to reset the device in an emergency so it goes back to AP mode you can remove it from power for 10s. Then insert and remove 7 times with 5s between each insertion and removal. Leave in and on the 7th insertion it will reset into AP mode with defaults.

Additional information

Weight 100 g


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